I am sorry I haven't been on here recently. I have been practicing a lot and getting ready for Japan. We are playing a Deshi concert while in Japan and I want to be on top of my game. Interestingly, I got a picture of a poster from Japan that is being used to advertise our concert. My name is the 3rd one down on the bottom left. It is under Michael Gould and Michael Firman. I thought that was pretty cool. I am performing Kurokami with Chieko Iwazaki on Koto and Tamuke at the concert.

The Spring Florida Shakuhachi Camp is scheduled for Februrary 19-21 2010. See: http://www.floridashakuhachi.com for more information. I hope to see you there!

The Spring Florida Shakuhachi Camp is scheduled for Februrary 19-21 2010. See: http://www.floridashakuhachi.com for more information. I hope to see you there!
7:23 PM |
Japan Trip
Comments (3)
public congrats comrade on making the nut
Hey Brian,
Gambatte kudasai!
I'm sorry that I won't be able to make your show. I live in Kumamoto which is about an hour and a quarter from where you'll be. I wish you all the best there though.
What inspired this concert?
Thanks! I wanted to go to Japan this year so Michael put together the trip and itinerary. The concert was one of the things he arranged. Sorry we're going to miss each other!