I said earlier this week I would post more pictures of our trip to Japan. This is the day of our concert in Kyoto. It was a great time and quite an experience to perform in Japan. There was some mixed excitement and nervousness. My wife had come down with a sudden stomach flu and on the way to the concert she had to be returned back to the Iruya house where we were staying. Luckily, her friend was along and she took pictures for me. I can't wait to get back there in November again!

Here is Chieko and one of her students performing on the koto at the concert. They played so beautifully!

Chikuzen playing a honkyoku at the concert. The acoustics were good and he sounded great!

Here the group was performing together to open the concert. I was so proud to be seated next to Chikuzen at the opening.

I didn't know this was being taken but I like it. It was right before I was supposed to go up to play Tamuke solo. I was a little apprehensive but it went well.

Here is Chikuzen performing another honkyoku. You can always feel what he is playing as you can see how much he is feeling it here.

Chieko on shamisen.

Me performing Tamuke solo at the concert. It was an awesome moment for me.

The koto and shamisen players all together for Kurokami.

Michael and I perform Kurokami together with the koto and shamisen. I just wishe we had a picture of all of us together. Jam from shakuhachi forum showed up and performed it with us also. It was a treat meeting him there. He is such a good player!

Comments (1)

On April 25, 2010 at 5:23 PM , Unknown said...

BTW Cornelius really wanted those pictures of him bad if you get a chance. I forgot, I was going to do it while I was there~ Hope you guys had a good day at the zoo! Miss you all.